3 Ways to Secure Your Aluminium Doors and Windows

Posted on: 12 May 2022


Aluminium doors and windows are a popular choice for homes and businesses alike. Perhaps their popularity could be due to their low cost, light weight and resistance to rust.

Unfortunately, they can be vulnerable to theft and vandalism if not adequately secured. This article discusses how to make sure your aluminium doors and windows are secure.

Use Multipoint Locks

Aluminium doors and windows are common in both commercial and residential settings. While aluminium is an incredibly strong material, it can be vulnerable to forced entry. However, multipoint locks can help secure these doors and windows, deter would-be burglars and provide peace of mind.

Multipoint locks have multiple contact points with the door or window frame, making them much more difficult to break. In addition, some multipoint locks have a deadbolt function, providing an additional layer of security. A deadbolt function is a locking mechanism that cannot be opened from the outside without the key, making it more difficult for an intruder to gain entry.

For maximum protection, choose a multipoint lock with a high-security cylinder. This type of lock is designed to resist picking and bumping, making it more difficult for criminals to defeat.

Install High-Security Hinges

High-security hinges are designed to provide an extra level of security for aluminium doors and windows. The main benefit of these hinges is that they are much more difficult to force open than standard hinges. That's because the hinge pins can be made of hardened steel. And the hinges themselves are often reinforced with additional metal plates.

Also, high-security hinges usually have a tighter tolerance than standard hinges. This feature makes it more difficult to insert a pry bar or other tool between the door and frame. As a result, high-security hinges can provide an effective barrier against forced entry.

Set Up Bars or Grilles

When most people think of security measures for their homes, they typically think of deadbolts and alarm systems. However, one often overlooked area is the door and window frames. In particular, you can reinforce aluminium doors and windows with bars or grilles.

Bars and grilles can be made of steel or aluminium. You can fit them on the inside or outside your doors and windows. Bars and grilles provide an extra layer of security, making it difficult for burglars to break-in.

When choosing bars or grilles, select a size and style that matches your door or window. You also want to make sure the bars or grilles are correctly installed so they don't come loose. And though you may want to install them yourself, it's best to hire a professional to do the job.

For more information on aluminium doors and windows, contact a professional near you.