4 Reasons Double Glazing Is Perfect for Party Hosts

Posted on: 15 February 2018


Everyone likes a party. Gathering together a group of friends to have a good time is preferable to going out to bars for some people, as it's cheaper and more intimate. But if you're someone who likes to host parties rather than just going to them, there are a few challenges to face.

While one of the main concerns for party hosts is keeping your home tidy and making sure nothing gets broken, there are a few ways you can make your place even more suitable for gatherings. In particular, double-glazed windows provide a range of benefits that are incredibly useful for those big parties.

Reduced noise

People often choose double glazing for its noise-reducing power, meaning you're less likely to be disturbed by the outside world. Of course, this also has the benefit of limiting the noise emanating from your house.

While it's not exactly the same as having full soundproofing, it's usually considerably cheaper and a lot more practical for somewhere you also live. Unless you host particularly noisy parties, you might just find that noise is limited enough that you're less likely to have neighbours complaining.

Less condensation

With a house full of people breathing, condensation on the windows can be a serious problem at parties. It's not just unpleasant, either—it can cause a lot of damp that leads to mould and mildew.

Because double glazing has two panes of glass with a gap in between, it maintains a warmer temperature than single-glazed windows. Condensation forms more on cold glass, so you should have a big reduction in moisture with double glazing.

Keeping the place cool

When you've got a large group of people in your house, it can get very warm very quickly—especially if there's dancing involved. If it's noisy, you can't open the windows to get a nice breeze, so it can feel pretty stuffy.

Double glazing reduces the heat from outside, so it helps stop the blazing summer days and hot evenings from making your home even warmer. Everyone at your parties should be noticeably more comfortable without the extra heat.

Less chance of damage

Sometimes, people have a bit too much to drink, and things can get a little out of control. This leads to things getting broken, and windows are in the firing line when people are jumping around or falling over.

Double glazing is significantly tougher than its single-paned cousin, so it's more likely to stay intact in the event someone falls or bounces into it. If your parties are sometimes a bit on the crazy side, this can save you a great deal of money and hassle.