The Tinting on Your Car Windows Needn't Be Dark

Posted on: 26 January 2018


Car window tinting is designed to darken car windows. But over time, manufacturers of this type of window tint have come to the realisation that not all motorists are enthusiastic about the use of dark tint on their car windows. For this reason, several tint manufacturers are now offering clear tint as a modern alternative to window-darkening tint. 

If you are looking to enjoy the benefits that come with tinting your car windows, but don't like the darker appearance of traditional tint, here's why you should consider opting for clear window tint instead.

Clear tint is almost invisible to the eye.

Perhaps the most obvious advantage of clear tint over dark tint is that the look of your car will remain almost the same. In short, your car will look as if no tint has been installed on its windows. The only difference is that prying individuals won't be able to see the interiors of your vehicle when it is parked or when you are driving.

Clear tint can offer protection against ultraviolet radiations.

Without window tinting, ultraviolet radiations from the sun can be detrimental to your health and that of your passengers, but it can also accelerate fading and cracking of your car's interior furnishings. For this reason, it is important that you add some sort of UV-protection to your windows. Clear tint can block a considerable amount of UV light from entering your car through the glass windows. 

Clear tint can reduce heat accumulation within your car.

Hot temperatures can make travelling by car extremely uncomfortable during summer. To stay cool and comfortable, you may be forced to depend on your car's AC a bit too often. This can lead to frequent breakdown of your AC system. Installing clear tint is a smart way to minimise heat build-up within your car. The tint can be designed to repel the sun's thermal rays so that you don't have to overwork your AC to stay cool and comfortable while driving.

Clear tint can block excess glare from the sun.

Blinding glare from the sun can compromise your safety and that of other motorists while you are on the road. With clear tint, you can have control over how much light will be transmitted into your car through the windows, thus optimising your driving comfort and safety.

From the above-elaborated points, it can be seen that clear window tint can perform the same functions as their window-darkening counterparts, but without the need to settle for a dark appearance. This shows that the tinting on your car windows needn't be dark.